NY is a hub for the reinvention of healthcare. From Forbes, here is a snippet of recent activity:
- New York Digital Health Accelerator: Fostering startups gaining market validation with leading healthcare providers around the state.
- MedStartr: The first crowdfunding program specific to the unique requirements of healthcare.
- Medicaid Managed Care: All Medicaid recipients are moving to a model that is highly successful in the private sector and abroad.
- WebMD: By far the largest health-related Internet site for consumers and for health professionals (Medscape) is based in New York.
- New York eHealth Collaborative (NYeC): The public resource for health information technology running a number of programs.
- Statewide Health Information Network of New York (“SHINY”): Arguably the Health Information Exchange that has the broadest reach and momentum.
- IBM: Another NY-based company that has done more to vitalize primary care than any other organization. This is critical because primary care is the foundation of any well-functioning health care syste
- StartUp Health: A 3-year academy program that selects “healthcare transformers” that are enabled by a sophisticated program to get startups through the various milestones pivotal to their growth.
- Blueprint Health: A healthcare incubator for early stage companies just getting off the ground that has already fed companies into StartUp Health.